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instructing & inspiring leaders

from supervisor to senior exec

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anyone facing your customer

must be powered to SUCCEED

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women making career changes

by choice, not by chance

Let TKFay teach and inspire your people to excel

Your organization’s strength depends on the capability and confidence of each employee.
TKFay customizes professional development programs to achieve your organization’s objectives.
Then, in the classroom, we equip students to deliver results by focusing on their individual needs.

What we do

How we do it

Achieving TRUE results with professionalism

Employees at all levels benefit from our practical, actionable instruction. All TKFay programs are based on achieving TRUE results. TRUE isn’t just an acronym; it’s a principled way of building and improving relationships.

Teaching and leading from the heart

TKFay founder Tamara K. Fay inspires clients to develop strengths and face challenges. Her passion to help people stems from a family legacy of building a business on quality, service and hard work.

Making connections

TamaraFay2_small_editedGet to know Tamara K. Fay, founder of TKFay Consulting.